ANYEA Foundation shall carry out the following activities:

  1. Protection and Promotion of Quality Education

As a member of the education cluster under UNICEF in the North West, ANYEA shall sensitized community members on the importance of quality education within crisis and non-crisis period. Ensuring that all boys and girls, underprivileged, PWD and Mbororo complete free equitable and quality primary and secondary education as a means to personal development and self-actualization. The neglect of technical vocational education in the education system will be strongly advocated in her established platforms with hopes of pressing educational stakeholders to introduce more occupational learning opportunities within communities. With a key accent on occupational education, vocational training centers are encouraged and created to trained youths towards gainful activities. This shall be achieved within the Ngvin Kijem Education platform, the Center for human rights and peace advocacy and strategizing within the education cluster under UNICEF who have been identified as key partners in the field.

First phase of ANYEA excellent award to underprivileged children in Anyajua in 2015


  1. Protection of Human Rights, Democracy and Good governance

We carry out monitoring on human rights violation; intervention in human rights cases, referral for legal assistance to victims of human rights violation and abuses through our referral pathway and partners, implementation of national and international human rights instruments. Through a well-coordinated documentary system put in place, all cases identified shall be documented and sent to the appropriate quarters for better treatment.

we shall work in close in close collaboration with democratic partners with absolute independence to promote and protect the principles of democracy and good governance while making sure equal opportunities are given to the less privilege like the youths, marginalize and women


  1. Lobbying and Advocacy

We lobby competent public authorities to follow up and ratify and implement UN human rights instruments and redress victims of gross human rights violations. We also monitor violations with the purpose of providing clinical counseling to victims. We lobby for the provision of quality elementary education in enclave and forgotten communities where ramshackle huts are used as classrooms by advocating for the construction of substandard buildings. We advocate for better inclusive reforms and with a strong attachment on the universal declaration on human rights.

4. Early Recovery and social cohesion

ANYEA shall be poise to work with all humanitarian agency, local and international agency operating within Cameroon and the world to restore the dignity and the self reliance of people affected by any conflict. Through a robust holistic mechanism put in place by the structure, we established a link between early recovery and peaceful coexistence and treatment becomes  more than a program. When you joined ANYEA recovery programme , you join a community of individuals committed to sobriety. Our full continuum of care can help you seamlessly transition from detox through every phase of treatment you need to ensure lifelong sobriety



  1. Funding

Members’ development dues and registration constitute an important source of revenue for our project in a short run maximum of 10 years. The transformation of the organisation to a full flesh organisation shall see the strategy short live for sustainability reasons, different social entrepreneurial activities shall be put in place to ensure the day to day affaires of the organisation . Our counterpart funds come from local contributions and donations; well-wishers, legal fund and interest earned. A majority of our projects are realized through the support of local development structures like councils and village development unions and international partners like the UN Agencies, foreign donors and Embassies among many others.


  1. Humanitarian

The intervention of ANYEA Foundation in the field is judge from the emergency she identifies in the plight of the population. She has made it clear in her mission to place mankind at the centre of all its preoccupation. Humanity first as ascribed by the humanitarian principle of the UN is a principle strongly respected within ANYEA Foundation. Food supplies, basic needs, shelter, clothing comprise a key component of our intervention where ever the need is identified be it within crisis situation or not. The building of bridges in moments of crisis is not called for in ANYEA when the only basic need at the moment is to focus on saving and protecting lives. While we make food supplies, we do not forget to create agro pastoral activities to fight hunger within communities.


 The capacities of ANYEA to intervene in this field were tested during the outbreak of coronavirus. This pandemic created a worrisome situation within communities in the North West and south west regions as they these two regions have been battling with the crisis. The protection of lives being a strong activity within ANYEA saw all resources and attention diverted to combat the pandemic. Thus, with strong professionals in the health domain, ANYEA mainstream health promotion activities in all her projects.




ANYEA reporting procedure is both internal and external. Internal reporting is generally monthly by branches for internal use only. Project, Activity, Quarterly, Annually and Human rights specialized reports and the financial reports that go with each item. External reporting is generally quarterly for partners and other stakeholders. It’s a normal procedure in all project conducted to be reported daily internally, weekly to funder and to both funder and general public at the end of each project.



At the national level,  ANYEA has good working relationship with the Ministry of youths affaires and civic education, the Belo Municipal council,  is member of the Education cluster under UNICEF and his member if a member of the north west and south west Strategic advisory group of Education in Emergency. A good junk of its members are young municipal councilors where they hold the presidency of their sub division and hold strategic positions within most development unions they belong to. With an urge to strengthened its network in the next two years within her strategic growth strategies with embassies in Cameroon.

Interectorial meeting with UNHCR, INTERSOS, CHRAPA, ANYEA and the Magistrate court