Engaging Youths in promoting Sexual reproductive health Right (SRHR) and Gender Based Violence (GBV) to Young adolescent girls, Survivors, Internally Displaced Persons (IDP) In Host Communities 10 to 24 years through Livelihood Support Kits in Cameroon (Anyajua Village

ANYEA fOUNDATION in the days ahead shall be implementing the above titled project. Many adolescent Young girls aged 10- 24 years in our society today especially in Anyajua village today have little or no knowledge about issues related to their sexual reproductive health, their rights and services offered when it comes to their sexual life. Lots of adolescent girls before the crisis have been victims of Gender based Violence (GBV) and the situation got worst during this crisis because of the absence social services providing these preventive and mitigation services. Reason why many of them suffer of ills like teenage pregnancy, rape, abuse, domestic violence, unaccompanied children, neglect, harmful traditional practices, school dropout, health hazards, infections, violence, and some end up dying in ignorance. The past weeks in Cameroon not living out Anyajua has marked a rise on domestic violence, sexual exploitations and proof on little knowledge on these concepts and how to fight them within young adolescent girls. This project aim at increasing knowledge of adolescent young girls and boys, internally displaced persons on sexual reproductive health rights (SRHR), gender based violence (GBV) and provides livelihood kits to survivors for economic empowerment.

it is based on this that together with her local partners to whom we have serve collaboration letters for partnership we shall carry out this project

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