Appreciation to CHRDA for boosting the knowledge of ANYEA Foundation on the SASA methodology

ANYEA was opportune to benefit from a one day training session on the SASA Methodology. The Start, Awareness, Support and Action methodology is an initiative that brings together community stakeholders like young adolescent girls/boys, men/women , traditional authorities , religious leaders and the disable to prevent violence against women and girls. The underlining truth that society is governed based on perspectives and beliefs have cause a situation of power imbalance which is the root cause of forms of gender based violence. the cross section of CSOs convened for this training all jointly approved the fact of haven started initiatives to combat gender based violence at community level, they have engage in awareness and supported survivors but there is a however a disturbing fact that very few actions are carry out in the field.
As CSOs in the field we should come out with holistic approaches that seek to tackle the problem while bringing other CSOs as partners cause we are all complementary to each other.
with a sensitive concept like that of GBV, Service providers should accept people within their interventions rather than rejecting and this could be the only to pass across the ideas without doing any further harm within communities .
ANYEA Foundation saw this training as very essential in sharpening their skills and knowledge on the SASA methodology as she had perceived that toxic masculinity in the Anyajua community has resulted to lot of violence within the community and coming up with actions that can change the established norms will create an environment of living a life of comfort and not a life of culture.

some quote of the day
– for the fact that am not of your faith, it doesn’t make me a lesser person ..
-you take away my power, give me a better alternative..
– every do not rule is followed by a do rule when you are not available to reinforce it…

With the skills acquired on the SASA methodology , actions in the days ahead shall be taken during projects implementations to bring about gender based community transformation.

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