ANYEA Foundation trained by CHRDA on Human Right Monitoring, Reporting and Humanitarian Safeguarding

with the increase number of human rights violations in our communities especially in the hard hit areas in Boyo Division where the activities of ANYEA are focus, this training on Human rights , International core instrument of human rights , human rights monitoring , documentation and reporting, humanitarian safeguarding while mainstreaming Gender based violence was very timely and highly beneficial to our young youth led and youth focus organisation. the three days training in the town of Bamenda from the 12 May to 14 May witness the skills one of her staff and some community local partners with whom we are putting together some mechanisms on improving our reports on Human rights violations for subsequent prosecution of perpetrators .
Cameroon is amongst the countries which has signed and ratified Seven out of the nine Core international instrument on human rights pending to ratify that on the international covenant on the protection of the rights of migrants workers and members of their families signed on the 18th Dec.1990 and that of the international convention for the protection of all persons from enforced disappearance of 20th Dec.2006 all to promote and protect human rights. Despite this, many people in Cameroon especially vulnerable and marginalized groups like women, children, indigenous people and the disable, suffer gross human rights violations. Their right to fully enjoy the basic principles of Human Rights – equality, non-discrimination and participation is constantly threatened. This usually happens because there is no respect for the rule of law by the authorities that be and secondly because of gross ignorance amongst these group of people. Most often they do not know that they have rights and that these rights have to be respected; they do not know what to do when their rights are violated.

-together with our local partners , ANYEA hopes to intentionally engage youths , community leaders to monitor, document and report human rights violations/abuses within Boyo.
-conduct couple of restitutions workshops within village meetings, njangi and youth groups in Boyo
on carrying our the above two activities she also tries to auto safeguard and protect all her workers as she goes about her humanitarian works.

The BoD and its entire Executive sincerely wish to appreciate CHRDA, REDHAC and the European Union who co-funded this project to have permitted ANYEA benefited from this project.

Gwain Claris

Communication Unit

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