ANYEA Foundation Board Chairperson

ANYEA’s Philanthropist Board Chair President Dr. Sam Chia
Samuel is today a worldwide philanthropist who has grown from virtue to virtue, from ambitions to greater ambitions and from great love to great compassion for mankind. Samuel is a committed and a dedicated human being born from the hill of Twalatwal-Anyajua today living in Maryland in the United States of America for the past 28 years. Samuel is a down to earth personality who has dedicated his time in serving God from childhood before becoming Resident Pastor of Omega Gospel Mission In Washington-USA. His driving forces portray through the various organisations he has had to serve in various capacities like Twalatwal Development Union and Anyajua Cultural and Development Association-NTEMNYAM as patron and ANYEA Foundation is his ambition to provide accessible learning opportunities to many, increase access to health and well-being of people, contribute to the infrastructural, economic and cultural emancipation of people everywhere the need arises. With his rich experience in leadership role he has played both at professional and community level, he believes all sustainable development initiatives should be built on love, trust and the fear of God .Samuel is today the Director of Manufacturing Science and Technology in a Baltimore based pharmaceutical manufacturing industry called Pharmaceutics International Inc.since 2018. He wishes to pass on the values and experience he got to the younger generation which ANYEA Foundation has given him the platform to that where youth led and youth focus initiatives are initiated with the aim of spreading compassion across the world.

Extract from Dr.Chia Samuel by Dr. Gilead Nkwain

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