The City of Bamenda shall be host to the General Assembly of ANYEA Foundation.

Its now a tradition to the now 7 years old existence of this youth led, youth focus Non Governmental organisation to meet in one of the city of the country to discuss on the future and growth of the organisation. The general assembly is the supreme organ of the organisation that meets once in the year to examine the works of the Executive, the Board of Directors and vote the budget, regulate the powers of the executive board and the board of directors. This year 2022 shall be a very important come together cause it shall examined and adopt the new organigram , strategic development plan and sustainability of the organisation which are very important to fully function as an NGO within the law governing associations in Cameroon. the Annual General assembly shall take place in the city of Bamenda from the Saturday 3rd to Sunday 4th September 2022. The eve of the AGM , usually a day kept aside for an activity engineer by the branch shall be a one day workshop, aim at training its staffs on sourcing for funding, idea generation in project writing, project writing and reporting. The training shall see the invitation extended to other sister’s organisation to come benefit from the facilitators who shall be hired for this particular purpose. The D day shall be the AGM where all staff members from far and near shall sejourned in Bamenda to help produce a harmonized reports of its activities to the executive and the general assembly of the Organisation for validation. It should be noted that the Annual general assembly of the organisation took place last year in the city of Douala during which the organisation organised a social cohesion football encounter with the internally displaced persons residing in Bonaberi Doauala under the auspice of Bochomg Fc, visited the St. Arnille Orphanage where we donated didactic material to children of the orphanage before holding the AGM.

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