During a period of one month, ANYEA Foundation shall be co funding a project aimed at enhancing the social cohesion of internally displaced persons of Kom residing in Bamenda with their host communities of Nkwen , Mankon and other tribes being host by the aforementioned communities. The festival is called the BADU FOOTBALL AND CULTURAL FESTIVAL implemented by the youths of Belo who shared the project to ANYEA which the Board of Directors did not hesitate to allocate some funds for this project as it goes in line with the vision of ANYEA. Sports and culture are recreational activities that positively contribute to many of the factors which build social cohesion , such as better physical and mental health , high educational attainment , reducing crime and antisocial behavior , creating a better employment opportunities and earning potential, and ensuring a fit and healthy workforce. the innovation about the project its ability to showcase some of the connectors the internally displaced communities are having with their host communities that better solidify them despite the differences.  there is more beauty in diversity and people should learn to accommodate with people of diverse cultural background and oy so can we live in peace  and harmony. Football has this that it promotes the team spirit, the dependency ability of all people found in the field, we put in all our skills to commonly achieve victory, defeat or a draw . in either outcome, the team either enjoys or suffers the outcome and because of fair play, we get to the drawing board to examine what went wrong for corrections but we however respect the opponent at the end of the game through tolerance. through out the festival, the competing teams shall be called upon to show case at the level of some indigenous games like tug of war, anyang, bag race and come cultural display with prizes to encourage the participants. this festival will also be used by ANYEA Foundation to pass across some information about community participation, human rights and the right to education, peace building at family and community. it should be noted also that during this competition, ANYEA has decided to affiliate a team for this competition to portray the attitude of winning and or loosing as a team .

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