ANYEA Foundation empowers IDP, displaced as a result of the Anglophone Crisis in Cameroon

ANYEA is also all about Empowerment.
As a means to Empowerment one identified internally displaced person from Belo, a contract was arrived between and AnyeA and our mother of 5 who had flee Belo as a result of the ongoing crisis and couple with the hard times that life in Bamenda is , with 4 children sent out of school for being unable to pay the fees, the money generated from the contract enable her to sent back her children to school. Her wish is for things to return back to normalcy for her to go back home where she was gainfully involve in her tailoring work.
Next to him is another very smart designer and CEO of Smart Design who was the most prolific among all those who applied for the positions advertised in our platforms. Hailing from Njinikejem, he has always demonstrated a high sense of professionalism when executing his assignments. The project has boosted his capital and he hopes for a continuous collaboration and with AnyeA in bigger contracts. We were most delighted working with him.

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