ANYEA Foundation uses football as a tool for social cohesion and harmonious living together

the situation that led to the fled of many communities to the city of Douala and Yaounde due to the crisis cause ANYEA to organized a micro project in the city of Douala especially with internally displaced persons from the north west and south west residing in Douala. the medium of mobilization was football. On social cohesion objective of the association, the organisation ran a project on promoting youth dialogue and tolerance through sports and culture from August 12 to September 6th funded by the NKEF Foundation in partnership with honest construction where tribes living in Bamenda had to participate in a football girls and boys categories with aim of instilling on them the spirit of non-confrontation and fair play. Among other activities of the project was a talk on social cohesion, tolerance and non-confrontation with focus on minority groups and internally displaced persons.
Anyea in the past years have been a great promoter of football. To have organised the AnyeA Football tournament in 2016 and 2017 in Anyajua, the ongoing crisis has made it difficult for her to continue this tradition. among other activities that took place on this particular day were story telling on the origin of the Kom people and the other villages making up the kom fondon, a talk on social cohesion, tolerance and fairplay. it was equally a period for members of the association to showcase their talents through sports.

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