ANYEA in the days ahead shall embark in a high social media campaign as part of her internal policy

Public Announcement
ANYEA in the days ahead shall embark in a high social media campaign as part of her internal policy recently adopted to be accountable to it’s target population.
The days ahead shall on it’s first phase witness brief reports on the various projects realized for the past 2 years(2020 and 2021).
We acknowledge our imperfection in some technical areas like need identification, project design, implemention, monitoring and evaluation .
We however hope these days shall equally serve as a recollection of the impression from our affected population, partners and members as we poise to continue learning, empowering ourselves to better serve our population.
Let’s be the change we desire, innovate and initiate positive actions to alleviate the poverty within communities with our recovery/livelihood packages, we challenge communities to remain resilient as we go through this hard times.
We are better together and together we shall overcome.
All our projects henceforth shall ensure that concepts like Child Protection in Emergency (CPiE) , Gender Based Violence in Emergency (GBViE), Covid.19 and the Cardinal Humanitarian Principles (Independence, Humanity,Impartiality and Neutrality ) are respected to the letter.
Stay tuned for more updates

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