Meet our Young dynamic Executive Director

Yuh Syvester Njung is a young Cameroonian of age 28, passionate in youth leadership, entrepreneurship and humanitarian activities with a keen focus on gender related issues as he poise to bring his own little contributions towards the protection, mitigation and support to women and girls victims of gender based violence and thus at times referred […]

Appreciation to CHRDA for boosting the knowledge of ANYEA Foundation on the SASA methodology

ANYEA was opportune to benefit from a one day training session on the SASA Methodology. The Start, Awareness, Support and Action methodology is an initiative that brings together community stakeholders like young adolescent girls/boys, men/women , traditional authorities , religious leaders and the disable to prevent violence against women and girls. The underlining truth that […]

Engaging Youths in promoting Sexual reproductive health Right (SRHR) and Gender Based Violence (GBV) to Young adolescent girls, Survivors, Internally Displaced Persons (IDP) In Host Communities 10 to 24 years through Livelihood Support Kits in Cameroon (Anyajua Village

ANYEA fOUNDATION in the days ahead shall be implementing the above titled project. Many adolescent Young girls aged 10- 24 years in our society today especially in Anyajua village today have little or no knowledge about issues related to their sexual reproductive health, their rights and services offered when it comes to their sexual life. […]

Anyea Foundation’s Core Activities

ACTIVITIES ANYEA Foundation shall carry out the following activities: Protection and Promotion of Quality Education As a member of the education cluster under UNICEF in the North West, ANYEA shall sensitized community members on the importance of quality education within crisis and non-crisis period. Ensuring that all boys and girls, underprivileged, PWD and Mbororo complete […]

Main and Specific Objectives of the ANYEA Foundation

OBJECTIVES MAIN OBJECTIVE To empower youths within communities to be agent of sustainable development. SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES To foster, develop, increase learning and development opportunities for young people by encouraging and supporting them to contribute, steer initiatives and lead their own youth led projects. To promote community participation among through civic engagement and community Mobilisation. To […]

The Vision and Mission of ANYEA Foundation

Vision and Mission Statement Our Vision is to foster sustainable development through community mobilization and participation. To achieve this ANYEA Foundation maximizes its efforts to level economic , social and humanitarian interventions. we create useful environment characterized by quality education, community mapping, equal representation of gender while putting life at the center of our preoccupation […]

The Core Values of the Anyea Foundation

OUR VALUES   We value truth, freedom, democracy, accountability, good governance, dynamism, inclusion, human rights, the rule of law and collective effort for the common good of mankind. We act with integrity, propriety, and absolute political impartiality as we struggle to put the interest of humanity first. In doing this, we value professionalism in all […]

Goals of ANYEA Foundation

GOALS: Increase youth’s participation within communities as an essential tool to any meaningful and sustainable development. This goal is broken down into short term and long term bases. In the short term base, the approach that has been used is that of leadership multiplication. All communities are bless with reference people mostly identified as youths( […]


ANYAJUA YOUTHS EMPOWERMENT ASSOCIATIUION (ANYEA FOUNDATION) was founded in 2014 by young dynamic youths who had as dream to bring their own contributions to the development of their own communities (Anyajua). Judging from the observations they have carried out in their immediate environment, it became indispensable for them to come as one under the canopy […]