Minutes of the 2020 Annual General Assembly held in Bamenda on Sunday 6th September 2020.

Minutes of the 2020 Annual General Assembly held in Bamenda on Sunday 6th September 2020.

The AGM started at 12; 44 with the secretary, reading out the agenda of the day as was published in all the forums of the association. Soon after was a word of prayer conducted by Mrs Tang Laura who thanked God to have been guiding the association from start to present date. While she commits the deliberation of the day in his hands, she challenges all participants to be constructive in their ideas.

The floor was given to the visitors who were recognised like that of Ntungfe, Twalatwal. TADECA and Tumuku. The president of the host branch took the floor and started by welcoming people from all branches as he wished I highly fruitful session to all.

Then came the speech of the National Coordinator which could be resumed as follow;

  • Thanking all those who made it to be present in the AGM despite all challenges as he thanked CHRAPA for providing a safe space for the AGM.
  • Thanking all those who contributed for the success of the eve working starting with participants, facilitators and most especially the Ntemnyam community.
  • While focusing on differentiating empowerment and youth development , he challenge us youths to be agents of community transformation as we seat to discuss this AGM on the theme’’ Strengthening the capacities of ANYEA for an adequate response to developmental and humanitarian challenges of our society”.
  • As he preside over his last AGM, he remained thankful to all his collaborators who have stood by him throughout these two years while challenging participants to contest for positions during the next bureau.
  • While acknowledging the fact that ANYEAS activities are now going out of its sphere as we drive towards becoming a full flesh NGO where there shall be serious competition and only the committed ones shall be called to remain within ANYEA, he called on inactive branches to sit up.
  • More of what ANYEA seek are ideas to advocate for funds or conceive projects base on that, he however wished all branches present had sufficiently brainstorm on the points they had submitted for deliberation in this AGM to shape a better future for ANYEA.This could be summarised in the quote ‘’ Everyone has resources, everyone has skills, personality and experience that deserves to be discovered and nurtured. Our community and country needs us to be at the forefront of change and innovation. ANYEA is the right forum for all of us to put in our best to see that our community excels. I believe in your power, respect each other’s opinion and criticise positively, and together we shall deliberate on the way forward of ANYEA, thereby building a strong society.
  • As he concludes his speech, he hopes that the next session be very fruitful with the phrase’ I wish to remind us of the fact that as we strive so hard to realise ANYEA’s

Objectives…….. “A Dream written down with a date becomes a GOAL, A goal broken down into steps becomes a PLAN, and a plan backed by action becomes REALITY”.


The meeting of last AGM were read out by the secretary general and assisted by Ayeah Princely with a bone of contention at the level of the dissolution of the CB, the fabric which saw Laura, Estarine, Pincely to work in submitting a fabric before the 20th of September to the association, work towards working with the elites of Douala, people should empower themselves before empowering others, but nonetheless, the minutes were adopted taken the fact the minutes were long adopted.

The midterm report of activities of ANYEA was presented by the secretariat and the following could be extracted;

  • ANYEA has 23 register members with 2 functional branches, no reports from Diaspora, Douala and Home branches.
  • Had had great focus on educational matters for the past months which has earn ANYEA a position in the UNICEF Educational cluster, though the activities of community schools have remained suspended in BOYO, we have remain active advocating for a back to school campaign in the division as we continue with ZOOM sessions. We have partners in this domain like CARITAS Bamenda, Plan international and CHRAPA.
  • The ANYEA response plan to covid.19 was one of the best executed projects in the North West as rated by UNICEF and this saw our organisation trained and supported with materials to protect our staff, with this material distributed to the branches present and part kept in the office for future projects.
  • other projects that were carry out and will be in the course of the year are;
  1. The award of scholarship to the overall best students (05) for the GCE O and A Levels schooling anywhere within the national territory with origins from Anyajua and might extent to other communities if we have sufficient funds.( plan for September after results are published)
  2. Training with traditional headquarters and traditional councils on peace building and conflict resolution within Belo. (Still to allocated time)
  • Provision of farm tools to the Anyajua community( still looking for partners)
  1. Workshop with the youths of Boyo on leadership, entrepreneurship, peace building and community development. done
  2. Sporting activities within the Mezam Community in partnership BOSTAS. Did not hold due to covid.19
  3. Capacity building of members through seminars.(done)
  • Donation of a Computer to the GOOD News Movie Industry in Anyajua.12 AUGUST 2020 done )
  • Award of Certificate of recognition to ANYAJUA KOM Afumbum. (Done during the AGM with a token for internet bundle)
  1. Executive meeting and end of Year Evaluation.
  2. ANYEA shall be working towards having a concise generic and annual plan of action to effectively budget and coordinate the activities that matches with the mission statement and the goals of the association. A team shall be appointed to work on having that document but we should bear in mind that ANYEA hopes to fully operate like a non-government organisation NGO where we are poise at bridging the gap where identified.
  3. We project to organise a project in Anyajua aim at sensitising and educating the adolescent on sexual reproductive health with aim at reducing the rate of unwanted pregnancies.
  • While remaining alert, more chances shall be provided to volunteers wishing to volunteer for ANYEA in the course of the year.
  • We shall foster the lobby of funds of our project.
  • Strengthened the capacities of our members in community participation.
  1. Being alert to response to societal and humanitarian challenges.
  • While maintaining a good collaborating spirit with the UN agencies in Cameroon, we shall work towards taking part in most of their meetings.
  • ANYEA shall invest mostly in the following domain, capacity building, sensitisation, human rights monitoring, documentation and reporting, gender based violence, distribution of food items and non-food items, youth empowerment and entrepreneurship.
  • Creation of a network youth leaders in Belo Sub Division.



  • ANYEA lacks the man power to carry out its activities and this was resolve by allocating for transports to all volunteers assign to carry out a duty or task for ANYEA.
  • The lack of financial motivation to the executive for the endless sacrifice they do carry out on daily bases, solve by allocating an annual motivation of 5000 to Exco based on well-defined criteria proposed by the secretariat and adopted..
  • The lack of funds to carry out their project as we are getting tired of contributing for projects, solution not found yet.
  • The covid.19 pandemic that came in to slow our activities barrier measures should be mainstreamed in all projects.
  • The on-going crisis is greatly affecting our activities as we don’t have a free access to the area and the risk assessment must always be carried out.
  • The lack of a modem for online training within this period of covid.19 and findings were to be made and one bought for the secretariat.
  • The non-collaboration of some members when assign to do a project.



Carry forward 2019 208 525 frs Income 2020 257525 balance
Balance sinking fund 2020 46 500 expenditure 148 500 109 025



  1. Yaounde; the branch president narrated of having many challenges due to change of executive and documents of previous Exco haven’t been handed to him but yet they had their first on sit meeting in June as they move from home to home with the monthly meetings , every first Sundays of the month with a permanent compound at Ayungha Carriere. The branch has 4 register members and many well wishes and the AGM, informs the branch that if the members are already drilled enough and deem fit to comply, they should be recommended to the national office for registration. They had the following proposals; Creation of a bank account or buy shares in NTEMCCUL, A visit to home based IDPs in Yaoundé, Seminar on carrier orientation, business, How to build a good CV, a membership card and they were asked to carry out a feasibility study on the project and get a data base for submission to the national bureau for treatment.
  2. BBB; the branch is made up of 17 register members and hold meetings every first Sundays of the month and the branch has carry out the following internal projects; Microsoft excel lessons, lessons on driving, presentations in meetings on the objectives and preamble of the association, support to the project on education, granting of loans to members from our coffers, support of the project on covid. 19 and assisted the volunteers on the project with NPUI. Some of the challenges that the branch is facing are; the covid.19 that disturbed some of our planned activities.

The other branches like Douala and the Diaspora had not sent any representatives for the AGM and thus had no reports.


Constitutional deliberations and adoptions

  1. Buying of shares by ANYEA in NTEMCULL; we support the idea but shall monitor the project carefully and as soon as the business plan is proposed, we shall study it and venture into the business in order to make the association sustainable.
  2. Transfer certificates to members; members on request can demand for transfer certificates but members can militate in a branch irrespective of their temporal location.
  3. Term of office; with the vision of giving the opportunity to all, the law shall remain same as adopted in 2018 AGM, ie, 2 years renewable once.
  4. Vision of ANYEA; a team shall be commission to work on the business plan of ANYEA and submitted to the general assembly.
  5. The explanation on the already existing NTEMCULL was provided and ANYEA wishes well to NTEMCULL as it shall go a long way to foster development in Anyajua.
  6. Periodicity of the AGM; the same procedure shall be maintained but constitutional amendments shall take place only after 2 years.

Other issues propose by individuals and branches saw no effects on the constitution.


Words from INVITEES

The youth from TWADA seek to join ANYEA but seeks to know more about ANYEA’s activities and he was asked to contact the branch president.

The youth from TADECA, wished ANYEA should mentor them on the creation and functioning of an association which they were asked to meet the secretariat of the association.

The youth from TASA, acknowledge the great work of the minds behind ANYEA and pray for more wisdom as he shall fully join the train of change ANYEA is piloting.

The youth from Ntungfe demanded the assistance from ANYEA in facilitating the breeze of change to touch her community to have dynamic youths who can effect changes. She speaks of being delighted to be among ANYEA as commit to bring, many youths from Ntungfe.


The point on the agenda was presented by Estarine who thought of transferring what she a had learn on reachability to ANYEA which she did majestically and this usher in the refreshment part and the final conclusion came from the National Coordinator.


Minutes drafted by the Secretariat.






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