Job Advert: ANYEA Foundation needs 1. Project manager(1) 2.logistic officer(1) 3. Graphic designer(1) 4. Community mobilisers(4)

The Anyajua Youths Empowerment Association ( ANYEA) Foundation needs volunteer services of the following to execute a project within 2 weeks(23/04/2021 to 8/05/2012 )in Belo Sub Division. 1. Project manager(1) 2.logistic officer(1) 3. Graphic designer(1) 4. Community mobilisers(4) All interested applicants must possess the following; _from position 1-3 atleast a bachelor degree and 4, atleast […]


This year in the month of August 2020, ANYEA had to honour to her promise by donating a modern HP COMPUTER to the GOOD News movie house in order for them to enhance their work in promoting our culture. This project was initiated because of the impact the movie industry was focus on social cohesion […]

ANYEA Foundation celebrates women day recognising Sakinatou Adamu Abdou

Women’s day observation by ANYEA In line with activities marking the celebration of the International day of the woman , we thought wise to bring on board inspiring women by their works and impact in the society. Among one of them that shall drill our members in our platform is Sakinatou Adamu Abdou But who […]

ANYEA Foundation Operational plan for 2021 made public

Public Announcement Subject : Plan of activities for 2021 After serious consultation of the Executive bureau of ANYEA and it’s stakeholders, the below activities were approved to be executed for this year 2021. We therefore present to all well-wishers and stakeholders of ANYEA of desired project for 2021. It should be noted that the said […]

ANYEA train her staff, youth community leaders on peace building and social cohesion

The organisation conducted a project on Peace building , conflict resolution and social cohesion after she has conducted a survey on the deterioting condition of living together among the people living in the North West region and she had to enhance the capacities of traditional leaders and religious on social cohesion and peace building. The […]

ANYEA LUANCHES A FUND RAISING CAMPAIGN: Engaging youths in peace building in Cameroon

About this Campaign Youths shall be trained and engaged in community sensitisation on peace and conflict resolution, mediation and fight against hate speech. Through out the project a target of 100 shall be trained with 50 girls and 50 boys who shall act in their various communities as peace Ambassadors and cannons of positive thinking, […]

ANYEA wishes to wish happy world humanitarian day to all her members, well wishers and partners

ANYEA wishes to wish happy world humanitarian day to all her members, well wishers and partners as we stand today to observe the life saving missions we undertake day in , day out. Humanitarian work is one of the self fulfilling endeavour that one could embark into. ANYEA having chosen this path by Providence is […]

ANYEA partner with National Polytechnic University Institute Bamenda to Respond to COVID 19

After her material receive thanks to the Canadian government, Lukmef, Reach Out and Ocha , the material needed to be tested in the field. ANYEA is an education cluster member under UNICEF and anywhere that has to do with Education, ANYEA finds her interest there. During the 2020 HND session of HND , ANYEA partners […]


Our Gratitude to Ocha,Lukmef and Reach out. Today 23 July 2020 ANYEA receive her tools to protect her staff and beneficiaries during field interventions. She is now armed to confront all situations while in the field thanks to the network of Frontline humaniterian workers combating Covid.19 and at thesame time providing assistance to her vulnerable […]